No Second Prances started out with a late synopsis, meaning for a while, all we had was the title.
It sounded like it would be a Fluttershy episode, to be honest.
Turns out it happened to be a Starlight episode. Which is good, we need more Starlight if we're going to assimilate her into the show. The worrisome part was that the synopsis said that Starlight was going to make friends with a formerly bad pony, but Twilight was going to try to stop her.
Now, with formerly bad pony, all of us kinda knew it was Trixie. Starlight and Trixie? That sounds great; they've got stuff like backstories in common and they'd play off each other very nicely. But the part with Twilight and the way the writers see Trixie as a vengeful antagonist were a bit shaky.
With Twilight, it would be bothersome that she would end up becoming very cynical. After all, she had a nice resolution with Trixie at the end of Magic Duel. For Twilight to prevent Starlight from becoming friends with Trixie would not only be cynical of her, but it would also mitigate that endearing ending at Magic Duel.
On the other hand, Trixie may just end up making friends with Starlight just so that she can get on Twilight's nerves. Basically, Trixie would want to make Twilight look bad. Sorta like... I don't know... some previous instance we've had on the show before. Then it would end with the moral being that you can't trust everyone you meet. Twilight would end off looking cynical throughout the episode without learning anything, Trixie would be in the wrong, and Starlight would end up without a new friend.
But then I see Nick Confalone is writing, I remember that I liked his work with Hearthbreakers, and while Party Pooped was sub-optimal, Pinkie was really good in that episode. Only time would tell.
I hope you like reading, because I have a decent amount to say.
Let's get to it.
The episode begins with Twilight and Starlight setting up the table for a dinner they'll be having that night, which leads to an unfunny silverware gag that recurs throughout the episode.
The dinner is important because Celestia is visiting to see how far Starlight has come in her friendship lessons. Twilight sees it as more of an opportunity to show Celestia how good of a teacher she is. Starlight asks why there's an extra seat when it's just going to be her, Twilight, and Celestia, Twilight explains that Spike is joining them as well.
Never mind, Twilight says that the whole point is for Starlight to bring a new friend. Twilight does say Starlight can be friends with anypony she wants to, so with that, Starlight heads off to try and make a new friend.