Saturday, April 2, 2016

Episode Post No. 1 (The Gift of Maud Pie)


I am some random guy you don't care about!
This post is just a bit of dedication to The Gift of Maud Pie.
So far, Season 6 hasn't had much spectacular, but this episode has its moments.


To start off, I have faices!  LOTS OF FAICES!

This one is fresh from one of the teasers.  Rarity's excited about Manehattan in what was honestly a rather unfunny joke in the opener.

And here's a Pinkie faic!  Lots of Pinkie faces in this episode.  Here is when she spots the rock pouch.
I don't get what she sees in it.  I guess the pattern doesn't really appeal to me.

Another less subtle Rarity face.  This one's fresh from the overly cheesy ending.

We got to see some more outfits out of Rarity.  This one's just adorable.  I also liked the one she wore in the jewelry store.  But I'm not going back to get a screencap of that one.

From the same scene, we get this post's first Maud screencap.  Maud was the best part of the episode, and it appears she's got some good skating abilities, much to Rarity's surprise.  My little sister's an ice skater; I'm sure she could outdo Maud.

One complaint is that in the beginning of the episode, Pinkie was a bit too obnoxious.  As amusing as this scene was, it shows my point a little.  But it's satisfying watching people get slammed into the air to crash onto the ground by Pinkie as she slides across a giant floor piano.

If the fandom can spot a tiny spec flying off in the distance at the end of The Crystalling, then surely nearly everybody saw this Suri cameo.  Suri was featured on the website's map of Equestria.  Is it possible that the ponies featured on that map may be getting cameos or appearances later this season?

Probably not lol

I like the dry humor that's used with Maud as much as the next guy.  Only problem is that it makes you wish they would show some emotion out of her in the right times.  These smiles are the best we've got.  The episode did a good job making Maud likable, though.  This screencap is just sweet.

And it seems Rarity found a location to set up her next shop.  She's quickly proving to be one of the more successful of the main cast.  On that note, a familiar balloon seems to be up for sale.

Remember this picture?  Now that the episode is out, it seems we have a stunning lack of Rainbow Dash here.  Come to think of it, did they even ride the swan boats in this episode?

Is it possible Rainbow Dash was to be in this episode before they put Rarity in at the last second?
Hell if we'll ever know.

And another episode bites the dust for today.  Not a bad one, but it didn't leave a good first impression on me, and you can thank the first part of the episode for that.  Pinkie was a little too childish for me.  Thankfully, she took a full u-turn in the second half of the episode, which I actually do like.

Next week is On Your Marks, and it's pretty important considering that it's going to have the Cutie Mark Crusaders deciding on where they should go now that they've got their marks.

Don't fuck this up, guys!

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